Revelation of John 4:7

7And the first living creature resembled a lion, and the second living creature resembled a calf, and the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature resembled a flying eagle.
4:7The lion is the Gospel of Matthew, because Matthew wrote in Judea, for the Christians of Judea who converted from Judaism, which is represented by a lion, and the lion from the tribe of Judah is Christ, who led them from Judaism to Christianity. The calf is the Gospel of Mark, because Mark wrote in Rome, for the Christians who were Romans; they are represented by a calf because as Romans they used to worship false gods (analogous to the molten calf in Exodus), but now they sacrifice to God according to true worship. The living creature with a face like a man is Gospel of Luke, because Luke was a Gentile convert and who wrote in a Gentile nation for the Gentile converts (such as Theophilus); they are represented by the face of a man because Christ called them from being mere men apart from God to the fullness of humanity revealed only by Christ. The eagle is Gospel of John, because John’s Gospel soared above the earth with its profound and heavenly insights into the Gospel, which are beyond the reach of mere human reason and ability.(Conte)
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