Revelation of John 6:9

9And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw, under the altar, the souls of those who had been slain because of the Word of God and because of the testimony that they held.
6:9The fifth Seal is not a fifth horseman, because now the war and the civil unrest and the famine have ended, though their effects linger on. The fifth Seal is a great persecution and martyrdom of Christians in the occupied territories by the Arab/Muslim extremists. Do not blame this massacre on all Muslims, nor on all Arabs, but only on the extremists who are now drunk with power. God gave them victory in the war because of the sins of the nations that they conquered; but they now act as if they were gods, deciding life and death. This massacre will be like the Jewish Holocaust, except that it will be mostly Christians who are put to death. This Christian Holocaust will be even more severe than the Jewish Holocaust. The worst of this massacre occurs during the latter part of the occupation.(Conte)
6:9 Under the altar: Christ, as man, is this altar, under which the souls of the martyrs live in heaven, as their bodies are here deposited under our altars.(Challoner)
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