2 Corinthians 7:5-7

Verse 5

When we were come into Macedonia - St. Paul, having left Ephesus, came to Troas, where he stopped some time; afterwards he came to Macedonia, whence he wrote this epistle,

Our flesh had no rest - So exceedingly anxious was he to know the success of his first epistle to them.

Without were fightings - The oppositions of pagans, Jews, and false brethren.

Within were fears - Uncertain conjectures relative to the success of his epistle; fears lest the severity of it should alienate their affections utterly from him; fears lest the party of the incestuous person should have prevailed; fears lest the teaching of the false apostle should have perverted their minds from the simplicity of the truth; all was uncertainty, all apprehension; and the Spirit of God did not think proper to remove the causes of these apprehensions in any extraordinary way.
Verse 6

Comforted us by the coming of Titus - Who brought him a most satisfactory account of the success of his epistle, and the good state of the Corinthian Church.
Verse 7

He told us your earnest desire - To see me, and correct what was amiss among yourselves.

Your mourning - Because you had sinned.

Your fervent mind - The zeal you felt to testify your affectionate regard for me.
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