Acts 20:13

Verse 13

Sailed unto Assos - Assos, according to Pausanias, Eliac. ii. 4, and Pliny, Hist. Nat. xxxvi. 27, was a maritime town of Asia, in the Troad. Strabo and Stephanus place it in Mysia. It was also called Apollonia, according to Pliny, Ib. lib. Act 20:30. The passage by sea to this place was much longer than by land; and therefore St. Paul chose to go by land, while the others went by sea.

Intending to take in Paul - Αναλαμβανειν, To take him in Again; for it appears he had already been aboard that same vessel: probably the same that had carried them from Philippi to Troas, Act 20:6.
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