Deuteronomy 10:12

Verse 12

Now, Israel, what doth the Lord - require of thee - An answer is immediately given. God requires,

1. That ye fear him as Jehovah your God; him who made, preserves, and governs you.

2. That ye walk in all his ways - that, having received his precepts, all of which are good and excellent, ye obey the whole; walking in God's ways, not your own, nor in the ways of the people of the land.

3. That ye love him - have confidence in him as your father and friend, have recourse to him in all your necessities, and love him in return for his love.

4. That you serve him - give him that worship which he requires, performing it with all your heart - the whole of your affections, and with all your soul - your will, understanding, and judgment. In a word, putting forth your whole strength and energy of body and soul in the sacred work.
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