Mark 1:35-37

Verse 35

In the morning a great while before day - By πρωΐ, the morning, is to be understood the whole space of three hours, which finished the fourth watch of the night.

And there prayed - Not that he needed any thing, for in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; but that he might be a pattern to us. Every thing that our blessed Lord did he performed either as our pattern, or as our sacrifice.
Verse 36

And Simon - followed after him - Κατεδιωξαν, followed him eagerly. They had now begun to taste the good word of God, and thought they could never hear too much of it. Many possess this spirit when first converted to God. O! what a pity that they should ever lose it! The soul that relishes God's word is ever growing in grace by it.
Verse 37

All men seek for thee - Some to hear; some to be healed; some to be saved; and some, perhaps, through no good motive. There are all sorts of followers in the train of Christ; but how few walk steadily, and persevere unto the end!
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