Matthew 15:1


The Pharisees accuse the disciples of eating with unwashed hands, Mat 15:1, Mat 15:2. Our Lord answers, and convicts them of gross hypocrisy, Mat 15:3-9. Teaches the people and the disciples what it is that renders men unclean, Mat 15:10-20. Heals the daughter of a Canaanitish woman, Mat 15:21-28. Heals many diseased people on a mountain of Galilee, Mat 15:29-31. With seven loaves, and a few little fishes, he feeds 4,000 men, besides women and children, Mat 15:32-38. Having dismissed the multitudes, he comes to the coast of Magdala, Mat 15:39.

Verse 1

The scribes and Pharisees - of Jerusalem - Our Lord was now in Galilee, Mat 14:34.
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