Proverbs 6:20-23

Verse 20

Keep thy father's commandment - See on Pro 1:8 (note).
Verse 21

Bind them continually upon thine heart - See on Pro 3:3 (note). And see a similar command, to which this is an allusion, Deu 6:6-8 (note).
Verse 22

When thou goest, it shall lead thee - Here the law is personified; and is represented as a nurse, teacher, and guardian, by night and day. An upright man never goes but as directed by God's word and led by God's Spirit.

When thou sleepest - He commends his body and soul to the protection of his Maker when he lies down and sleeps in peace. And when he awakes in the morning, the promises and mercies of God are the first things that present themselves to his recollection.
Verse 23

For the commandment is a lamp - It illuminates our path. It shows us how we should walk and praise God.

And the law is light - A general light, showing the nature and will of God, and the interest and duty of Man.

And reproofs of instruction - Or, that instruction which reproves us for our sins and errors leads us into the way of life.
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