Romans 15:15-24

Verse 15

Nevertheless - I have written - Not withstanding I have this conviction of your extensive knowledge in the things of God, I have made bold to write to you in some sort, απο μερους, to a party among you, as some learned men translate the words, who stand more in need of such instructions than the others; and I do this, because of the grace, δια την χαριν - because of the office which I have received from God, namely, to be the apostle of the Gentiles. This authority gave him full right to say, advise, or enjoin any thing which he judged to be of importance to their spiritual interests. This subject he pursues farther in the following verse.
Verse 16

Ministering the Gospel of God - Ἱερουργουντα, Acting as a priest. Here is a plain allusion, says Dr. Whitby, to the Jewish sacrifices offered by the priest, and sanctified or made acceptable by the libamen offered with them; for he compares himself, in preaching the Gospel, to the priest performing his sacred functions - preparing his sacrifice to be offered. The Gentiles, converted by him and dedicated to the service of God, are his sacrifices and oblation. The Holy Spirit is the libamen poured upon this sacrifice, by which it was sanctified and rendered acceptable to God. The words of Isaiah, Isa 66:20, And they shall bring all your brethren for an Offering unto the Lord, out of all Nations, might have suggested the above idea to the mind of the apostle.
Verse 17

I here therefore whereof I may glory - Being sent of God on this most honorable and important errand, I have matter of great exultation, not only in the honor which he has conferred upon me, but in the great success with which he has crowned my ministry.
Verse 18

For I will not dare to speak - If the thing were not as I have stated it, I would not dare to arrogate to myself honors which did not belong to me. But God has made me the apostle of the Gentiles; and the conversion of the Gentiles is the fruit of my ministry, Christ having wrought by me for this purpose.

By word and deed - Αογῳ και εργῳ· These words may refer to the doctrines which he taught and to the miracles which he wrought among them. So they became obedient to the doctrines, on the evidence of the miracles with which they were accompanied.
Verse 19

Through mighty signs and wonders - This more fully explains the preceding clause: through the power of the Holy Ghost he was enabled to work among the Gentiles mighty signs and wonders; so that they were fully convinced that both his doctrine and mission were Divine; and therefore they cheerfully received the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.

Round about unto Illyricum - Among ancient writers this place has gone by a great variety of names, Illyria, Illyrica, Illyricum, Illyris, and Illyrium. It is a country of Europe, extending from the Adriatic gulf to Pannonia: according to Pliny, it extended from the river Arsia to the river Drinius, thus including Liburnia on the west, and Dalmatia on the east. Its precise limits have not been determined by either ancient or modern geographers. It seems, according to an inscription in Gruter, to have been divided by Augustus into two provinces, the upper and lower. It now forms part of Croatia, Bosnia, Istria, and Slavonia. When the apostle says that he preached the Gospel from Jerusalem round about to Illyricum, he intends his land journeys chiefly; and, by looking at the map annexed to the Acts of the Apostles, the reader will see that from Jerusalem the apostle went round the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and that he passed through Syria, Phoenicia, Arabia, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, Lycaonia, Galatia, Pontus, Paphlagonia, Phrygia, Troas, Asia, Caria, Lycia, Ionia, Lydia, Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, and Achaia; besides the isles of Cyprus and Crete. And no doubt he visited many other places which are not mentioned in the New Testament.

I have fully preached the Gospel - Πεπληρωκεναι το ευαγγελιον, I have successfully preached - I have not only proclaimed the word, but made converts and founded Churches. See the note on Mat 5:17, where this sense of the word πληρουν is noticed; for it signifies not only fully or perfectly, but also to teach with prosperity and success.
Verse 20

So have I strived to preach the Gospel - Οὑτω δε φιλοτιμουμενον· For I have considered it my honor to preach the Gospel where that Gospel was before unknown. This is the proper import of the word φιλοτιμεισθαι; from φιλος, a friend, and τιμη, honor. As I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, so I esteem it an honor to preach it, and especially to proclaim it among the heathen; not building on another man's foundation - not watering what another apostle had planted; but cheerfully exposing myself to all kinds of dangers and hardships, in order to found new Churches.
Verse 21

But as it is written - These words, quoted from Isa 52:15, the apostle applies to his own conduct; not that the words themselves predicted what Paul had done, but that he endeavored to fulfill such a declaration by his manner of preaching the Gospel to the heathen.
Verse 22

For which cause, etc. - My considering it a point of honor to build on no other man's foundation; and, finding that the Gospel has been long ago planted at Rome, I have been prevented from going thither, purposing rather to spend my time and strength in preaching where Christ has not, as yet, been proclaimed.
Verse 23

But - having no more place in these parts - Having nothing farther at present that I can do - for τοπον εχειν signifies not merely to have a place of residence, or the like, but convenience, opportunity; which is a frequent meaning of the phrase among the best Greek writers - having no large place or city, where Christianity has not yet been planted, in which I can introduce the Gospel. The apostle was then at Corinth; and having evangelized all those parts, he had no opportunity of breaking up any new ground.
Verse 24

Whensoever I take my journey into Spain - Where it is very likely the Gospel had not yet been planted; though legendary tales inform us that St. James had planted the Gospel there long before this time, and had founded many bishoprics! But this is as unfounded as it is ridiculous and absurd; for nothing like what is now termed a bishopric, nor even a parish, was founded for many years after this. An itinerant preacher, might, with more propriety, say travelling circuits were formed, rather than bishoprics. Whether the apostle ever fulfilled his design of going to Spain is unknown; but there is no evidence whatever that he did, and the presumption is that he did not undertake this voyage. Antiquity affords no proof that he fulfilled his intention.

I will come to you - Ελευσο μαιπρος ὑμας. These words are wanting in almost every MS. of note, and in the Syriac of Erpen, Coptic, Vulgate, Ethiopic, Armenian, and Itala. If the first clause of this verse be read in connection with the latter clause of the preceding, it will fully appear that this rejected clause is useless. Having a great desire, these many years to come unto you whensoever I take my journey into Spain: for I trust to see you in my journey, etc.

Somewhat filled with your company - The word εμπλησθω, which we translate filled, would be better rendered gratified; for εμπλησθηναι signifies to be satisfied, to be gratified, and to enjoy. Aelian., Hist. Anim., lib. v., c. 21, speaking of the peacock spreading out his beautiful plumage, says: εα γαρ εμπλησθηναι της θεος τον παρεστωτα· "He readily permits the spectator to gratify himself by viewing him." And Maximus Tyrius, Dissert. 41, page 413: "That he may behold the heavens, και εμπλησθη λαμπρου φωτος, and be gratified with the splendor of the light." Homer uses the word in the same sense: - Ἡ δ' εμη ουδε περ υἱος ενιπλησθηναι ακοιτις Οφθαλμοισιν εασε

Odyss., lib. xi., ver. 451. "But my wife never suffered my eyes to be delighted with my son."

The apostle, though he had not the honor of having planted the Church at Rome, yet expected much gratification from the visit which he intended to pay them.
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