1 Timothy 1:4

Fables; called "profane and old wives' fables," chap 1Ti 4:7; and "Jewish fables." Ti 1:14. The apostle has reference to absurd legends and stories such as abound in the writings of the later Jews.

Endless genealogies; the exact nature of these is unknown. According to some, the reference is to the Jewish records of the descent from Abraham, by which their pride was nourished, and their confidence was withdrawn from Christ to fleshly relations. Others, with more probability, suppose that the apostle has in view fables respecting the generation of angelic orders of beings. Though the system of Gnosticism, which is filled with such "endless genealogies," was of later origin, they suppose that its germs may have existed in the apostle's day, and have mixed themselves with Jewish fables.

Minister questions, rather than godly edifying; lead to nothing but empty questions of speculation and dispute.
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