1 Timothy 3:2-7

Blameless; of irreproachable character.

Vigilant; watchful and circumspect in his deportment and office.

Sober; sober-minded, properly regulating his appetites and passions.

Of good behavior; orderly and decorous in all his deportment.
Greedy of filthy lucre; that is, of gain obtained by base arts and employments. With all gravity; with reverent and decorous deportment in all things. The words refer to the deportment of his children. It is proper that a bishop as a minister of the gospel should be married: and if married, he should with discretion and fidelity discharge the various duties of the head of a family; especially should he set an example of good family government, and train up his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. A novice; one recently converted, who has but little knowledge of Christian doctrines and duties, and has not yet become fully established in the faith.

The condemnation of the devil; that which befell him for his pride.
Have a good report; be of unblemished reputation in view not only of Christians, but of others.

The snare of the devil; which he sets by tempting men so to act as to injure themselves and the cause of religion. As the work of a bishop is sacred and momentous, it should be undertaken only by those who, by a course of good conduct, have formed the character and secured the reputation, in the church and in the world, of being good men; free from the imputation of vice, meanness, sensual indulgence, or love of money; men who have knowledge, and are able and willing to teach; who are patterns of what is upright and honorable, lovely, and of good report.
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