2 Corinthians 2:12

Troas; a city on the way from Ephesus to Macedonia, where Paul expected to meet Titus and learn from him the effect of his first epistle. But in this he was disappointed. He therefore left Troas and went into Macedonia, where he met Titus, and learned the happy issue of things at Corinth. This caused him to break forth in thanksgiving to God for the success which had attended his labors. Verse 2Co 2:14.

Colossians 4:3

A door of utterance; open the way and give opportunity to preach the gospel. Paul often asked for the prayers of Christians on earth, but never of the Virgin Mary or any of the saints in heaven. He knew better. All who have the Bible, who read and understand it, know better; and if they obey the Bible, they all do better than to ask or desire any intercession in heaven, except that of Christ; for his intercession is all which they need. Heb 7:25.
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