2 Peter 2:10

But chiefly them; that is, but especially those of the unjust men just spoken of.

Dignities; such magistrates and persons in official or elevated stations as God requires should be treated with respect, and should be obeyed in all their lawful commands.

2 Peter 2:14

Cannot cease; not for want of natural power, but of disposition. Licentiousness and the love of money in professors of religion are decisive marks of hypocrisy, and show that those who live in these sins are heirs of destruction.

2 Peter 2:18

Great swelling words of vanity; making, after the fashion of such men, large professions of their own light and knowledge, and large promises of good to others.

Through the lusts of the flesh--wantonness; by turning the true doctrine of Christian liberty into licentiousness, and teaching men that the gospel gives license to indulge in fleshly lusts. Ga 5:13; 1Pe 2:16; Jude 4.

Were clean escaped; or, according to another reading, "were scarcely escaped;" and therefore could be easily drawn back again into the company of the wicked.

Jude 4

Unawares; by stealth.

Of old ordained; whose coming, character, and punishment have been foretold by ancient prophets, and by Christ and his apostles.

Turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness; so perverting the doctrine of divine grace as to make it an excuse for living in the indulgence of fleshly lusts, and teaching others to do the same.

Denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ; in doctrine by rejecting the truths revealed by God through Christ, and in practice by trampling under foot Christ's commands.

Jude 7-8

Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire; they were cast into endless perdition with the devil and his angels. Mt 25:41. Of this the flames which consumed their cities and made them desolate for ever were a solemn symbol. Ge 19:24,25. The destruction of the Israelites, of the inhabitants of Sodom, and of the angels that sinned, is recorded for the warning of sinners in all ages, and to show that however great the blessings men may enjoy, if they reject the gospel, or continue in sin, they will inevitably and awfully perish. Dreamers; the false teachers referred to.

Despise dominion; spurn obedience to law, human and divine.

Of dignities; persons called by God to stations of authority or honor. 1Pe 2:10.
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