Acts 18:6

Opposed themselves; set themselves against him and his preaching.

Shook his raiment; in token of deep abhorrence of their sins.

Your blood; the guilt of your destruction.

I am clean; free from blame.

Acts 22:18-21

Him; the Lord Jesus Christ. They know that I imprisoned; he thought that the knowledge which the men of Jerusalem had of his former treatment of the Christians would convince them of his sincerity, and dispose them to listen to his arguments. But the Saviour, who better knew their hearts, saw that it would not. Stephen; chap Ac 7:58; 8:1. Christ not only calls his ministers, but assigns them the places and conditions in which they are to labor. These may be very different from what they, if left to themselves, would select; yet he orders them in wisdom, and if his servants follow his directions, he will render them as useful as will best promote his glory, and the highest good of his kingdom.

Acts 28:28

The salvation of God; the gospel, which makes known his salvation and the way to obtain it. Chap Ac 13:46.
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