Luke 16:22

Abraham's bosom; a common expression among the Jews for the rest and bliss of heaven. Good men and bad must die. But their souls will live after death, in heaven or hell, according to their character. An impassable barrier will divide them. Those in heaven cannot help those in hell, and none from hell can ever ascend to heaven.

Luke 23:43

Paradise; the place and state of blessedness.

2 Corinthians 5:8

Absent from the body; as are the disembodied spirits of the just who rest with Jesus.

Revelation of John 14:13

From henceforth; they entered immediately into rest, and were blessed. Of course there was no purgatory for them to pass through; but when absent from the body, they were present with the Lord. 2Co 5:8. There is, to saints, no state either of insensibility or of suffering after death, but they enter at once into rest. The day they leave the body they are happy with Christ. Lu 23:43.
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