Luke 21:6-24

Fearful sights and great signs shall there be; these words had their primary fulfilment in the fearful appearances which were seen previous to the destruction of Jerusalem, and which are particularly described by Josephus in the sixth book of his history of the Jewish wars. A more awful fulfilment awaits them when "the end of the world" draws nigh. Turn to you for a testimony; it shall give you the opportunity of bearing testimony to my gospel before kings and rulers. This will be a testimony in your behalf of your faithfulness, and against them, if they reject it. Compare Mt 24:14; Mr 13:9. A mouth and wisdom; ability rightly to speak, a gift which no man or angel could bestow. Not a hair--perish; you shall suffer no real harm, though you die for my sake. Compare Ro 8:28-39; 1Co 3:21-23; 1Pe 3:13. However great the wickedness of men, and however active their opposition to the people of God, they shall not in the end be able to injure them. His people should therefore be calm and quiet, as well as active and persevering in their labors for the promotion of his cause, trusting in him for whatever they need. In your patience possess ye your souls; the word "possess" is here to be taken in the sense of gaining or saving. The whole verse might be rendered, By your endurance save ye your souls; the same as, "He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Mt 24:13. By the edge of the sword; eleven hundred thousand were slain.

Led away captive; ninety-seven thousand were carried into captivity.

Trodden down; desolated, oppressed. This has been done successively by the Romans, Saracens, Mamulukes, Franks, and by the Turks who continue to exercise dominion over and oppress it.

The times of the Gentiles be fulfilled; the times during which God has determined that the Gentiles shall tread down Jerusalem.
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