Matthew 21:1-16

Bethphage; a village on the south-east side of the mount of Olives, which was a hill about two miles east of Jerusalem, beyond the valley of Jehoshaphat. Through this valley ran the brook Cedron, or Kidron. Say aught; say any thing against your taking them. By the prophet; Zec 9:9. The prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the Messiah were all fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, thus proving with absolute certainty that he was the Christ. Daughter of Zion; a poetic personification of Zion, which was that part of Jerusalem where David and the kings after him dwelt. It represents Jerusalem and its inhabitants.

Behold, thy King cometh; this prophecy was universally understood of the Messiah; and thus Jesus openly claimed to be the one predicted by it.

Sitting upon an ass; the common beast of the Israelitish rulers in ancient times, Jud 5:10; 10:4; and moreover a beast of peace, in contrast with the horse, which was specially employed in war.

An ass, and a colt; Jesus rode upon the colt, Mr 11:7; Joh 12:14; the mother of the colt accompanying. Hence they are spoken of together by the evangelist.
Spread their garments; this was a royal honor, after the custom of the times. Hosanna; Save now. An expression of joy, invoking blessings on him as the Messiah.

Hosanna in the highest; let our hosannas on earth be responded to and ratified in the highest heavens.
Bought in the temple; the outer court of it, called the court of the Gentiles.

Money-changers; those who exchanged the current coin of the day for the Israelitish half-shekel which was paid yearly for the support of the temple service. See note on Mt 17:24. For this they received a premium; and they were, moreover, often dishonest in their exactions.

Sold doves; for the offerings in the temple. Le 14:22; Lu 2:24. Those who imitate Christ will manifest great zeal for God, and labor to remove all evils connected with his worship. The Bible will be their standard, and by it they will seek to regulate their own conduct and that of their fellow-men.
Written; Isa 56:7. Read, Ps 8:2. The quotation was from the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, where the words "ordained strength" in the Hebrew, are translated "perfected praise." The conversion of children to the Saviour is foretold in the Scriptures. We ought therefore to seek and expect it, and when it takes place, to rejoice in it as a new evidence of the truth of the Bible and of the Messiahship of Jesus Christ.
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