Matthew 28:18

All power; power is here used in the sense of authority.

Is given unto me; as mediator, God and man. As Christ has authority over all, and power to direct and govern all, they who put their trust in him will be for ever safe.

John 14:19

Seeth me no more; that is, in my personal presence, the only way in which they are able to see me.

Ye see me; spiritually. See below, ver Joh 14:21-23.

Romans 8:28-39

All things work together for good to them that love God; love to God distinguishes true Christians from all other men. He that loveth God is born of him, and all things shall work together for his good.

The called; those who have been called by his grace out of the darkness and bondage of sin into the light and liberty of the children of God. As all things work together for good to those who love God, they are especially bound, in whatsoever state they are, therewith to be content; knowing that their trials, however great, will conspire to work out for them an exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2Co 4:17.
Whom he did foreknow; as his people. He did not simply foreknow that they would be his people, but his foreknowledge of them as his people included the gracious purpose of bringing them into a state of salvation, as the apostle proceeds immediately to show.

He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son; he determined to lead them by his Spirit to believe in Christ, and in this way to become like him, holy.

First-born among many brethren; be their Prince, Leader, and Saviour, and have many who, as his brethren, should be joint-heirs with him to his kingdom of heavenly glory. Conformity in temper and conduct to the example of Christ, is the only sure evidence of being elected, and predestinated to eternal life.
Them he also called; called by his word and Spirit, taught them to feel their need of Christ, and led them to believe on him.

Them he also justified; accepted as righteous.

Them he also glorified; made heirs of eternal glory in heaven.
To these things; in view of the above-mentioned truths.

If God be for us; if he is our friend, has led us to believe on his Son, and thus showed that he has determined to save us, and to cause all things to work for our good.

Who can be against us? who can hinder our salvation, or on the whole do us any real harm?
Freely give us all things; as he has, self-moved, given us his only begotten Son to be our Saviour, and renewed our hearts by his Spirit, pardoned our sins, and justified us by his grace, who can doubt but he will give us all needed good? The death of Christ is conclusive evidence that nothing which will in the end promote their benefit, will be withheld from those who believe on him. Who is he that condemneth? who can prevail against God, so as to destroy, or ultimately injure us?

It is Christ; who from love, died in our stead when we were his enemies. But Paul cannot leave the subject here, since without the resurrection, ascension, and intercession of Christ, his death would be ineffectual to our redemption. He therefore passes on to these: yea rather, that is risen again, etc.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? that love which was stronger than death; which led him, when we were his enemies, to die for us, to give us his Holy Spirit, to reconcile and unite us to himself, and make us joint-heirs with him to all the blessings of his Father's kingdom. Who or what can separate us from such love?

Shall tribulation; shall trials, or any thing which can come upon us?
As it is written; Ps 44:22.

We are killed; constantly suffer, and are exposed to death.
More than conquerors; over all our trials; they shall not only fail to separate us from the love of Christ, or to diminish our love to him, or to do us any real harm, but they shall do us great good; showing us the evil of sin and the vanity of the world, quickening us in duty, and making us more holy and more happy.

Him that loved us; Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. All the blessings of believers come to them through Jesus Christ. They are given on his account, and are the purchase of his blood. They should therefore awaken in those who enjoy them, unfeigned and ever-increasing gratitude, and lead them to devote themselves, body and soul, for ever to his service.
The love of God--in Christ Jesus our Lord; "the love of God" here, like "the love of Christ," verse Ro 8:35, is his love towards us, which, however, always includes love on our part towards him.

Hebrews 7:25

By him; as their high-priest, not venturing before God in their own name.
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