Matthew 4:18

Sea of Galilee; called also the sea of Tiberias and the lake of Gennesareth; about thirteen miles long, and from six to nine miles wide: through it runs the Jordan. Those who are diligent in appropriate business are preparing for increased usefulness. From them Christ often selects his ministers; and he can so influence them, that they will forsake all and follow him.

Matthew 26:32

Into Galilee; Mt 28:7.

Matthew 28:10

My brethren; his disciples. He still calls them brethren, though in the hour of his distress they had deserted him.

Mark 14:28

Mark 16:7

Though the friends of Christ may have deserted and even denied him, yet when they repent and turn to him he freely forgives them, and delights in removing their sorrows and promoting their joys.
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