Matthew 9:18-26

Ruler; an elder to whom was committed the care of the synagogue.

Even now dead; when he came to Jesus she was at the point of death. Before Jesus arrived at his house she was dead. Mr 5:23,35. Our highest comforts may be the occasion of our deepest sorrows; but application to Jesus, with unwavering confidence in him, will bring sure and all-sufficient relief.
Issue of blood; an unclean disease, according to the Mosaic law. Le 15:25.

Hem; border or fringe.
Daughter; a term of tender kindness.

Thy faith; the power of Christ was the cause, and her faith in him, leading her to take the proper measures, was the means of her being healed.
Minstrels; the persons hired to play on instruments of music at funerals.

Making a noise; the noise of wailing, as was the custom.
Give place; retire: your services are not wanted.

Not dead; that is, not permanently. Her death is but as a sleep from which she will be speedily awakened.
Went in; Mark tells us that he took with him five persons. Mr 5:37-40. These were all competent witnesses, as were the multitude without when they saw her, of the reality of the miracle.
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