Philippians 2:10-11

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow; that all in heaven and on earth should worship him. Mt 4:10; Joh 5:23. Humility and benevolence are peculiarly pleasing to God. The most wondrous exhibition of them was made by Jesus Christ: and those who imitate him will, with him, receive a glorious reward; while the homage which they and all holy creatures will render him, will show that he is God.

Hebrews 1:6

Bringeth in the first-begotten into the world; by his incarnation and the events that followed it, thus establishing in and through him "the kingdom of heaven" among men. It is of this kingdom that the ninety-seventh Psalm, from which the apostle immediately proceeds to quote, speaks. It describes, by anticipation, the coming of God as king to destroy the wicked and save his people, verses Heb 1:3-6. His reign is one in which "the multitude of isles," the whole gentile world, is called upon to rejoice, verse Heb 1:1. The ancient Jews rightly understood the psalm of the Messiah, in whom alone it is fulfilled, and whose kingdom it describes in its whole extent to the end of time.

Let all the angels of God worship him; quoted according to the Greek version from Ps 97:7, where the word "gods" in the original Hebrew means the heavenly hosts. As Christ in his deepest humiliation received the worship of angels as well as of men, and as he is now receiving it in glory, it is certain that he is God; and that in paying him divine honors they and we are not breaking, but obeying the command, Worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Mt 4:10; Re 5:8-14.

Revelation of John 5:12-13

Power--blessing; let the reader notice the seven ascriptions--power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, blessing--which represent the fulness of adoration given to the Lamb, because in him dwells the fulness of the godhead. Every creature; the song of adoration that began with the living creatures and elders, and was then taken up by the angels, now spreads itself through the whole created universe; and as the echo of it comes back to the throne of God, the living creatures say, Amen, and the elders fall down and worship. In paying divine honors to Christ, Christians on earth imitate saints and angels in heaven, and prepare to mingle in their society, join in their employments, and partake of their joys for ever.
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