Revelation of John 12:7-9

War in heaven; representing the conflict for supremacy between the truth of Christianity and the old system of pagan delusion. Michael seems here to represent all the agencies employed by Christ, as the dragon does the devil acting in and through his agents, especially the persecuting emperors and their servants. Was cast out; truth and its friends prevailed, and idolatry was overthrown.

Was cast out into the earth; excluded from his former position of power and office. The dragon in heaven is thought by many to mean the devil enthroned in the chief place of power; the dragon on earth, to mean the devil cast out of that place, but still active against the church Ver Re 12:13-17. Whoever may be the instruments of persecuting the people of God, Satan is their leader; they are his servants, and are doing his work. Ro 6:16.
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