Revelation of John 11:11-14

{18} And after {19} three days and an half {20} the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they {21} stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.

(18) The third passage, as noted before, is of the rising again of the prophets from the dead, and their carrying up into heaven. For their resurrection is shown in this verse: their calling and lifting up into heaven, in the verse following. (19) That is, what time God shall destroy that wicked Boniface. (20) That is, the prophets of God shall in a manner rise again, not the same in person (as they say) but in spirit: that is, in the power and efficacy of their ministry, which John expressed before, in Re 11:5,6 So the prophecy that is spoken of Elijah, is interpreted by the angel to be understood of John the Baptist Lu 1:17. For the same Boniface himself, who sought to kill and destroy them, was by the fire of God's mouth (which the holy ministry shows and exhibits) devoured and died miserably in prison, by the endeavour of Satra Columensis and Nagaretus a French knight, whom Philip the fair King of France sent into Italy but with a very small power. (21) That is, the most grievous heat of afflictions and persecution shall stay for a while, for the great amazement that shall arise on that sudden and unlooked for judgment of God.
And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, {22} Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; {23} and their enemies beheld them.

(22) They were called by God into heaven, and taken out of this wicked world, into the heavenly Church, which also lies hidden here in the earth, to exercise their calling secretly: of whom this wretched world was unworthy; Heb 11:38. For the church of the wicked is by comparison called the earth, or the world: and the Church of the godly, heaven. As it was in ancient times among the godly Israelites: so among the Jews in the days of Manasseh and other kings, when the earth refused the heirs of heaven, we read that they lay hidden as heaven in the earth. (23) Yet they could not hinder the secret ones of the Lord (as the Psalmist called them) Ps 83:3 but they prospered in his work.
{24} And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, {25} and {e} gave glory to the God of heaven.

(24) Bergomensis said, in 1301, "This year a blazing star foretelling great calamity to come, appeared in heaven: in which year during the feast of St. Andrew, a great earthquake occurred as never before: it continued for many days, and overthrew many stately houses." This he said of the year following the Jubilee: which John many ages before, expressed word for word. (25) They were indeed broken with present astonishment of mind, but did not earnestly repent as they ought to have done. (e) Glorified God by confessing his name.
{26} The second woe is past; [and], behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

(26) He passes to the second history, which is the second part of this chapter. John calls these the second and third woe, see Re 9:12.
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