Revelation of John 12:7-9

And there was war in heaven: {14} Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

(14) Christ is the Prince of angels and head of the Church, who bears that iron rod Re 12:5. Also see Geneva "Da 12:1". In this verse a description of the battle and of the victory in the two verses following Re 12:8,9. The psalmist noted this battle as did Paul; Ps 68:9; Eph 4:8; Co 2:15.
{15} And prevailed not; neither was their {a} place found any more in heaven.

(15) The description of the victory, by the denying of the thing in this verse, and by affirming the opposite in Re 12:9. As Satan gained nothing in heaven, but was by the power of God thrown down into the world of which he is the prince, Christ himself and his elect members standing still by the throne of God. (a) They were cast out so, that they were never seen any more in heaven.
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