Matthew 13:38

38while the field is the world. The good seed are those who belong to
Lit. the sons of
the kingdom, while the weeds are those who belong to
Lit. the sons of
the evil one.Gen 3:13; Matt 24:14; 28:19; Mark 16:15, 20; Luke 24:47; John 8:44; Acts 13:10; Rom 10:18; Col 1:6; 1John 3:8

1 John 3:8

8The person who practices sin belongs to the evil one, because the devil has been sinning since the beginning. The reason that the Son of God was revealed was to destroy the works of the devil.Gen 3:15; Matt 13:38; Luke 10:18; John 8:44; 16:11; Heb 2:14

Jude 6

6He has also held in eternal chains those angels who did not keep their own position but abandoned their assigned place. They are held in deepest darkness for judgment on the great day.
I.e. the day of judgment
John 8:44; 2Pet 2:4; Rev 20:10
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