1 John 4:4-5

     4. Ye—emphatical: YE who confess Jesus: in contrast to "them," the false teachers.

      overcome them— (1Jo 5:4, 5); instead of being "overcome and brought into (spiritual) bondage" by them (2Pe 2:19). Joh 10:8, 5, "the sheep did not hear them": "a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."

      he that is in youGod, of whom ye are.

      he that is in the word—the spirit of Antichrist, the devil, "the prince of this world."

     5. of the world—They derive their spirit and teaching from the world, "unregenerate human nature, ruled over and possessed by Satan, the prince of this world" [ALFORD].

      speak they of the word—They draw the matter of their conversation from the life, opinions, and feelings of the world.

      the world heareth them— (Joh 15:18, 19). The world loves its own.

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