2 Thessalonians 3:5

     5. If "the Lord" be here the Holy Ghost (2Co 3:17), the three Persons of the Trinity will occur in this verse.

      love of God—love to God.

      patient waiting for Christ—rather as Greek, "the patience (endurance) of Christ," namely, which Christ showed [ALFORD] (2Th 2:4; 1Th 1:3). ESTIUS, however, supports English Version (compare Re 1:9; 3:10). At all events, this grace, "patience," or persevering endurance, is connected with the "hope" (1Th 1:3, 10) of Christ's coming. In ALFORD'S translation we may compare Heb 12:1, 2, "Run with patience (endurance) . . . looking to JESUS . . . who, for the joy that was before Him, endured the cross"; so WE are to endure, as looking for the hope to be realized at His coming (Heb 10:36, 37).

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