James 2:15-16

     15. The Greek is, "But if," &c.: the "But" taking up the argument against such a one as "said he had faith, and yet had not works," which are its fruits.

      a brother, &c.—a fellow Christian, to whom we are specially bound to give help, independent of our general obligation to help all our fellow creatures.

      be—The Greek implies, "be found, on your access to them."

     16. The habit of receiving passively sentimental impressions from sights of woe without carrying them out into active habits only hardens the heart.

      one of you—James brings home the case to his hearers individually.

      Depart in peace—as if all their wants were satisfied by the mere words addressed to them. The same words in the mouth of Christ, whose faith they said they had, were accompanied by efficient deeds of love.

      be . . . warmed—with clothing, instead of being as heretofore "naked" (Jas 2:15; Job 31:20).

      filled—instead of being "destitute of food" (Mt 15:37).

      what doth it profit—concluding with the same question as at the beginning, Jas 2:14. Just retribution: kind professions unaccompanied with corresponding acts, as they are of no "profit" to the needy object of them, so are of no profit to the professor himself. So faith consisting in mere profession is unacceptable to God, the object of faith, and profitless to the possessor.

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