Mark 16:1

     1. And when the sabbath was past—that is, at sunset of our Saturday.

      Mary Magdalene—(See on Lu 8:2).

      and Mary the mother of James—James the Less (see Mr 15:40).

      and Salome—the mother of Zebedee's sons (compare Mr 15:40 with Mt 27:56).

      had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him—The word is simply "bought." But our translators are perhaps right in rendering it here "had bought," since it would appear, from Lu 23:56, that they had purchased them immediately after the Crucifixion, on the Friday evening, during the short interval that remained to them before sunset, when the sabbath rest began; and that they had only deferred using them to anoint the body till the sabbath rest should be over. On this "anointing," see on Joh 19:40.

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