Psalms 16:11

     11. Raised from the dead, he shall die no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

      Thou wilt show me—guide me to attain.

      the path of life—or, "lives"—the plural denoting variety and abundance—immortal blessedness of every sort—as "life" often denotes.

      in thy presence—or, "before Thy faces." The frequent use of this plural form for "faces" may contain an allusion to the Trinity (Nu 6:25, 26; Ps 17:15; 31:16).

      at thy right hand—to which Christ was exalted (Ps 110:1; Ac 2:33; Col 3:1; Heb 1:3). In the glories of this state, He shall see of the travail (Isa 53:10, 11; Php 2:9) of His soul, and be satisfied.

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