Mark 8:35-37

35For whoever wants to save his life
Or “soul” (throughout vv. 35–37).
will lose it,
The point of the saying whoever wants to save his life will lose it is that if one comes to Jesus then rejection by many will certainly follow. If self-protection is a key motivation, then one will not respond to Jesus and will not be saved. One who is willing to risk rejection will respond and find true life.
but whoever loses his life for my sake and for the gospel will save it.
36For what benefit is it for a person
Grk “a man,” but ἄνθρωπος (anthrōpos) is used in a generic sense here to refer to both men and women.
to gain the whole world, yet
Here καί (kai) has been translated as “yet” to indicate the contrast present in this context.
forfeit his life?
37What can a person give in exchange for his life?
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