Colossians 4:7

All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you. On Tychicus, see PNT Eph 6:21. He carried the Epistle to the Ephesians, and that to the Colossians on the same journey. He was probably a native of Ephesus, and was one of Paul's most trusted evangelists. See Ac 20:4 2Ti 4:12 Tit 3:12. It should be kept in mind that all Paul's Epistles were sent by messengers. There were no postal arrangements for carrying private letters such as exist in our times.

Colossians 4:18

The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Paul dictated his epistles to an amanuensis (Ro 16:22), but was wont to add a salutation in his own hand (Ga 6:11 2Th 3:17 1Co 16:21).

Remember my bonds. Three times this chapter he alludes to his chains, in Col 4:3,10,18. The thought is, "Be willing to suffer for the gospel even as I do".
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