Ephesians 1:13

In whom ye also [trusted]. The "we" of Eph 1:12 refers to Jewish believers; the "ye", to Gentile believers, like most of the Ephesians, who also trusted, after that they "heard the word of truth". They not only hoped, but believed. That is, they became believers, by trusting obedience; then they were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. After they were converted, the Holy Spirit was bestowed upon them. It was a "promise" (Ac 1:4). The seal was attached to a letter or legal document to authenticate it to the world. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of adoption, was God's authentication to the world that the converts to Christ were accepted as his children. The presence of the new Spirit was shown by a new life exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit (Ga 5:22).

Ephesians 4:30

Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. Such sins as those described above grieve the Holy Spirit, nor will he continue to dwell those addicted to them.

Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. The sealing of the Holy Spirit is an earnest, a proof, an assurance of the final redemption. See Eph 1:13. If we grieve him away, the seal will be gone.
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