Galatians 2:7-9

When they saw. They perceived that I had been sent to the Gentiles, as Peter had the leading part in preaching to the Jews. For he that wrought effectually in Peter. As Christ gave Peter the wisdom, knowledge and power needful to establish the church among the Jews, so he had fully endowed Paul for a similar work among the Gentiles. And when James, Cephas, and John. Cephas is the Hebrew name of Peter. See Joh 1:42. The rest of the apostles were probably absent from Jerusalem at the time of this visit.

Who seemed to be pillars. Chief men; supports of the church.

Perceived the grace that was given unto me. See Ga 2:7.

They gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship. An agreement was made that Paul and Barnabas should have supervision of the work among the Gentiles, and as a pledge of that agreement their hands were given.
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