Galatians 6:1

Concluding Admonitions SUMMARY OF GALATIANS 6: Restoring the Stumbling. Humility Commended. The Law. Reaping and Sowing. Paul's Superscription. Glorying in the Cross. The Mark of Jesus Christ.

If a man be overtaken in a fault. Not gone into sin as a result of sinful premeditation, but surprised by it. Those intending well are sometimes caught unawares.

Ye which are spiritual. Who have continued to walk in the Spirit.

Restore such an one in the spirit of meekness. Instead of judging severely and seeking to cut them off, seek lovingly to lead them back from their error.

Considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. We ourselves may be caught by temptation and sin. Let us bear in mind that we are not infallible, and judge others gently.
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