John 1:4

In him was life. He had life in himself, and hence is a fountain from whence life flows to man. Death could not hold him, because in him is life, and he became "the Resurrection and the Life" (Joh 11:25) for us.

The life was the light of men. The life that Christ bestows enlightens men. He is the Light of the World (Joh 8:12 9:5). His light chases away the darkness of the earth, though, when John wrote, the darkness did not receive it. Men, in darkness, had eyes and saw not. All history demonstrates that Christ is the Light of the World; every redeemed soul recognizes the fact.

John 1:14

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. The Word assumed a human form and became incarnate as the child of Mary.

We beheld his glory. His Divine glory. See Lu 9:32 Joh 2:11.
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