Matthew 18:3

Except ye be converted. The Revised Version translates, "Except ye turn", which is correct. The Greek word "strepho" translated in the Common Version "be converted" is found in the New Testament in the active voice in every instance but one, and means "to turn". It means something that the subject is "to do", not something that is to be done for him.

Become as little children. Humble, teachable and free from selfish ambition, like little children.

Ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Instead of discussing who should be greatest in the kingdom of heaven, they had better inquire whether they were going to get in at all.

Matthew 19:14

Suffer little children. Do not hinder them, either by word, or by a bad example.

To come unto me. Whatever mortal, young or old, wishes to come to Christ should be encouraged.

For of such is the kingdom of heaven. Those who have the loving simplicity, humility, and trust of children. See Mt 18:1-14. These words show, (1) that children are not, as some have taught, totally depraved; (2) that the earlier they come to Christ the better; (3) that they should not be hindered from coming by injudicious teaching; (4) that parents should bring them to the Savior.
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