Matthew 28:20

Teaching them. The second part of the commission is next given. The first part commands the making of disciples, and tells how they must be made. The second part provides for the instruction of the disciples in righteousness. This is to be done by "teaching them".

To observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. What must be taught by the faithful Christian teacher is prescribed. It will at once be seen that this cuts off much that is often taught. We are not to teach "untaught questions" (2Ti 2:23), "oppositions of science, so called" (1Ti 6:20), dogmatic speculations, isms or human creeds. Christ has never commanded these. On the other hand, we are to teach "all things" he has commanded. Some of these things we have recorded in the Gospels; others we have in the Acts and in the Epistles. They embrace the various duties of Christian life.

I am with you alway. It was an arduous work he had commanded his disciples to undertake; a few uninfluential and unlettered laboring men to undertake the moral and religious conquest of a world that had just crucified their Master. There was, however, an assurance that they should be equal to the task, for (1) All power, or authority, in heaven and earth was in the hands of their crucified Lord. (2) He now declares, "I am with you always". He who has all power will be present with them, a help in time of need. He is a mighty, present and helping Savior. [Even] unto the end of the world. Until the close of the Christian dispensation, coming of the Lord, and the day of judgment.
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