Revelation of John 1:13-16

And in the midst. It is a beautiful thought that he who said "I will be with you always" is represented as moving in the midst of the church (Mt 28:20).

The Son of man. A term used in Da 7:13 and applied by the Savior to Himself, but never applied to him by the New Testament writers except here, Re 14:14, and Ac 7:56.

A garment down to the foot. The long robe of a high priest girt about with the golden girdle of a king.
His head and [his] hairs [were] white. White is the color of purity and of triumph. The idea here is not age but heavenly glory.

His eyes [were] as a flame of fire. Bright, piercing, all seeing, flashing light, and also a consuming fire of the wicked.
Feet like unto fine brass. Shedding forth splendor like burnished brass heated in a furnace.

His voice as the sound of many waters. His voice was mighty like the sound of surging waters.
In his right hand seven stars. See Re 1:20.

And out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword. This two-edged sword is a symbol of the word by which Christ's conquests are won. See Eph 6:17 Heb 4:12, and compare Re 19:15.

His countenance [was] as the sun shineth in his strength. The glory of his countenance is the same that was manifested at the Transfiguration (Mt 17:2).
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