Revelation of John 14:2


Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. Re 13:17 speaks of "the name of the beast". It has, then, a name. It also speaks of the number of its name. Its name, then, is some number. We wish to discover its name, and if we can count the number, we will find its name. "The number of the beast", that is, the "number of its name" (Re 13:17) is the number of a man, and that number is "six hundred and sixty-six". 14:1 Re 14:1

The Triumph of Christ SUMMARY OF REVELATION 14: The Lamb and His Saints on Mt. Zion. The New Song. The Angel of the Everlasting Gospel. Blessed Are Those That Die in the Lord. The Son of Man in the Clouds. The Harvest of the Earth. The Elect Gathered. The Clusters of the Vine of the Earth Cut Off. Trodden Down in the Wine-Press.

And I looked, and, lo. This is the usual formula in Revelation which introduces a new vision.

The Lamb stood. In Re 13:11, a false lamb has been seen, one that had a voice like a dragon. Here, in contrast, is seen the Lamb of God, the same as in Re 5:6,7, taking the book with seven seals.

On the Mount Sion. Here and in Heb 12:22 are the only places in the New Testament where this expression occurs. It is equivalent to the "Jerusalem above" of Ga 4:26 Heb 12:22. Mount Zion, the city of the great King, the seat of the worship of God in Jerusalem, was a type, and is used as a symbol of the true Church. In Heb 12:22, the saints who have entered into the covenant of Christ are said to have come, not to the mount that could not be touched, but to Mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. It is there used for the church of the saints, and such is its meaning in the passage.

With him an hundred [and] forty four thousand, etc. In Re 7:4 the same number are spoken of as sealed from the twelve tribes of Israel. It means there, a great, indefinite number. Here, I take that the meaning is the same. It is a great multitude, a round number, who are associated with the Lamb. 14:2 Re 14:2

And I heard a voice from heaven. Whose voice is not stated, but it was a mighty voice, the voice of harpers harping with their harps. Always when great triumph are achieved or about to be achieved, heaven rings with the praises of singers. Compare Re 5:8,9 7:10-12 11:17.
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