Romans 9:4-5

Who are Israelites. He now enumerates some of the glories of the Jewish race. Jacob, their ancestor, had been called Israel by the angel (Ge 32:28). This means a Prince with God, and this proud title was borne by his descendants.

To whom [pertaineth]. Six high privileges of the chosen people are named in Ro 9:4,5.

The adoption. They were adopted as the chosen people (De 7:6).

The glory. The presence of the ark of God and the glory of the Divine Presence (1Sa 4:21).

The covenants. The covenants made with Abraham (Ge 17:7) and at Sinai (Ex 19:5).

The giving of the law. The law of Moses given to the children of Israel (Ex 24:12).

The service [of God]. The worship of the tabernacle and temple (Ex 30:16 Ezr 6:18 Heb 9:6).

And the promises. Especially the blessed promise of Christ. (Ac 2:38,39).
Whose [are] the fathers. The patriarchs and prophets.

Of whom . . . Christ [came]. Greatest of all, Christ, in his fleshly nature, was of their race, of the tribe of Judah, and of the seed of David.

Who is over all. See Mt 28:18. He is our King and our Judge.

God blessed for ever. More than man; Divine.
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