1 Chronicles 8:12

Ono.Ono is stated by Reland to have been three miles from Lydda.

Ezr 2:33; Ne 6:2; 7:37; 11:35

Lod.Lod, or Lydda, was situated about four leagues from Joppa, and a day's journey, or about thirty-two miles N. W. from Jerusalem; and, according to the Antonine Itinerary, twelve miles from Jamnia, eighteen from Eleutheropolis, and twenty two from Bethar. Josephus says it was a village, not yielding to a city in greatness; and that it was one of three toparchies dismembered from Samaria, and given to the Jews. It was destroyed by Cesitus in the Jewish war, and, when rebuilt, was called Diospolis. It is now called Loudd, and is a poor village, situated in a fine plain about a league to the E. N. E. of Ramia.

Ezra 2:33


1Ch 8:12; Ne 6:2; 7:37; 11:34,35

Hadid. or, Harid, as it is in some copies.Hadid is probably the Adida of Josephus, and the Maccabees, (1 Mac 12:38; 13:13,) a city situated on a hill in the plain country of Judah, and the Aditha of Eusebius, which he places near Diospolis, Lydda, or Lod.

Nehemiah 6:2

Come.They wished to get him out of Jerusalem, from his friends, that they might either carry him off or murder him.

2Sa 3:27; 20:9; Ps 37:12; Pr 26:24-26; Ec 4:4


11:35; 1Ch 8:12

they thought.

Ps 12:2; 37:12,32; Jer 41:2; Eze 33:31; Mic 7:4,5; Lu 20:19-21

Nehemiah 11:34-35


1Sa 13:18


7:37; 1Ch 8:12

the valley.

1Ch 4:14
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