Daniel 10:11-12

a man.

9:23; Joh 13:23; 21:20

greatly beloved. Heb. of desires.

3; Ps 45:11; So 7:10


8:16,17; 9:22,23

upright. Heb. upon thy standing.

Ac 26:16

I stood.

Job 4:14-16; 37:1; Mr 16:8; Ac 9:6

Fear not.

19; Isa 35:4; 41:10,14; Mt 28:5,10; Mr 16:6; Lu 1:13,30; 2:10; 24:38

Ac 18:9,10; 27:24; Re 1:17

from.Daniel, as Bp. Newton observes, was now very far advanced in years; for the third year of Cyrus was the 73rd of his captivity; and being a youth when carried captive, he cannot be supposed to have been less than ninety. Old as he was, "he set his heart to understand," the former revelations which had been made to him, and particularly the vision of the ram and he-goat, as may be collected from the sequel; and for this purpose he prayed and fasted three weeks. His fasting and prayers had the desired effect, for and angel was sent to unfold to him those mysteries; and whoever would excel in divine knowledge, must imitate Daniel, and habituate himself to study, temperance, and devotion.

2,3; 9:3,4,20-23; Isa 58:9; 65:24; Ac 10:4,30,31


Le 16:29,31; Nu 29:7; Ps 69:10

and I.

11; 9:20-22; Ac 10:3-5,30,31

Acts 9:7

22:9; 26:13,14; Da 10:7; Mt 24:40,41

Acts 10:13


10; Jer 35:2-5; Joh 4:31-34

kill.Or, sacrifice and eat, [thusia kai phago .] The spirit of the heavenly direction seems to be this, say Dr. A. Clarke, "The middle wall of the partition is now pulled down; the Jews and Gentiles are called to become one flock, under one shepherd and bishop of souls. Thou, Peter, shalt open the door of faith to the Gentiles, and be also the minister of the circumcision. Rise up; already a blessed sacrifice is prepared: go and offer it to God; and let thy soul feed on the fruits of his mercy," etc.

Revelation of John 1:12


Eze 43:5,6; Mic 6:9

I saw.

13,20; 2:1; Ex 25:37; Zec 4:2
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