Genesis 19:36-38

8; Le 18:6,7; Jud 1:7; 1Sa 15:33; Hab 2:15; Mt 7:2

A.M. 2108. B.C. 1896. Moab.This name is generally interpreted of the father; from {mo,} of, and {av,} a father.


Nu 21:29; 22:1-41; 24:1-25; De 2:9,19; 23:3; Jud 3:1-31; Ru 4:10

2Sa 8:1-18; 2Ki 3:1-27

Ben-ammi.i.e., Son of my people, from {ben,} a son, and {ammi,} my people.


De 2:9,19; 23:3; Jud 10:6-18; 11:1-40; 1Sa 11:1-15; 2Sa 10:1-19

Ne 13:1-3,23-28; Ps 83:4-8; Isa 11:14; Zep 2:9

Deuteronomy 2:5

no, not so much as a foot breadth. Heb. even to the treadingof the sole of the foot.

Ac 7:5


32:8; Ge 36:8; Jos 24:4; 2Ch 20:10-12; Jer 27:5; Da 4:25,32

Ac 17:26

Deuteronomy 2:9

Distress not the Moabites. or, Use no hostility againstMoab.

Nu 22:4; Jud 11:17; 2Ch 20:10

Ar.Ar was situated south of the Arnon; and was called by the Greek writers Areopolis, and thought by them to be so named because the inhabitants worshipped [Ares,] or Mars. St. Jerome says that it was destroyed by an earthquake when he was an infant. Burckhardt supposes that the ruins of a small castle called Mehatet el Hadj, may be the site of this ancient city.

5; Nu 21:15,28

the children.

19; Ge 19:36,37; Ps 83:8

Judges 11:13-27

Because Israel.

Nu 21:24-26; Pr 19:5,9

from Arnon.That is, all the land which had belonged to the Amorites and Moabites.


Ge 32:22; De 2:37; 3:16

again unto.

Ps 120:7; Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14; 1Pe 3:11

Israel took.

Nu 21:13-15,27-30; De 2:9,19; 2Ch 20:10; Ac 24:12,13

But when.The whole of these messages shew, Jephthah had well studied the book of Moses. His arguments also are very clear and cogent, and his demands reasonable; for he only required that the Ammonites should cease to harass a people who had neither injured them, nor intended to do so.


Nu 14:25; De 1:40; Jos 5:6


Ge 14:7; Nu 13:26; 20:1; De 1:46

sent messengers.

Nu 20:14-21; De 2:4-8,29

the king.

De 2:9


Nu 20:1,16


Nu 20:22; 21:10-13; 33:37-44; De 2:1-8


Nu 21:4-9

came by.

Nu 21:11


Nu 21:13; 22:36

Nu 21:21-35; De 2:26-34; 3:1-17; Jos 13:8-12

Nu 21:23; De 2:32

Lord God.

Ne 9:22; Ps 135:10-12; 136:17-21

they smote.

Nu 21:24,25; De 2:33,34

so Israel.

Jos 13:15-32


And they.

De 2:36

from the wilderness.From Arabia Deserta on the east, to Jordan on the west.
Jephthah shews that the Israelites did not take the land of the Moabites or Ammonites, but that of the Amorites, which they had conquered from Sihon their king; and although the Amorites had taken the lands in question from the Ammonites, yet the title by which Israel held them was good, because they took them, not from the Ammonites, but from the Amorites.


Wilt not thou possess.This is simply an {argumentum ad hominem;} in which Jephthah argues on this principles recognized by the king of Ammon. As if he had said, "You suppose that the land which you possess was given you by your god Chemosh; and therefore will not relinquish what you believe you hold by a divine right. Now we know that Jehovah, our God, has given us the land of the Israelites; and therefore we will not give it up."


Nu 21:29; 1Ki 11:7; Jer 48:7,46


De 9:4,5; 18:12; Jos 3:10; Ps 44:2; 78:55; Mic 4:5


Nu 22:2-21; De 23:3,4; Jos 24:9,10; Mic 6:5


Nu 21:25-30; De 2:24; 3:2,6; Jos 12:2,5; 13:10


De 2:36

three hundred.

3:11,30; 5:31; 8:28; 9:22; 10:2,3,8; Jos 11:18; 23:1

the Judge.

Ge 18:25; 1Sa 2:10; Job 9:15; 23:7; Ps 7:11; 50:6; 75:7; 82:8

Ps 94:2; 98:9; Ec 11:9; 12:14; Joh 5:22,23; Ro 14:10-12; 2Co 5:10

2Ti 4:8; Heb 12:23

be judge.

Ge 16:5; 31:53; 1Sa 24:12,15; Ps 7:8,9; 2Co 11:11

2 Chronicles 20:10

whom thou.

Nu 20:17-21; De 2:4,5,9,19; Jud 11:15-18
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