ESV 1:1Orig VocabIn the  beginning, [רֵאשִׁית | /ב]God אֱלֹהִיםcreated בָּרָא the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | אֵת | /ה] and the  earth. [אֶ֫רֶץ | /וְ | אֵת | /ה]  ESV 1:2Orig VocabThe  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /וְ | /ה]was הָיָהwithout form תֹּ֫הוּ and  void [בֹּהוּ | /וְ], and  darkness [חֹ֫שֶׁךְ | /וְ] was  over עַל the  face פָּנֶה of the  deep תְּהוֹם. And the  Spirit [רוּחַ | /וְ] of  God אֱלֹהִים was  hovering רָחַףover עַל the  face פָּנֶה of the  waters. [מַי | /ה]  ESV 1:3Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let there  be הָיָהlight, אוֹר  and there was  light. [אוֹר | הָיָה]  ESV 1:4Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw רָאָה that the  light [אוֹר | אֵת | /ה | כִּי] was  good טוֹב. And  God אֱלֹהִיםseparated [בָּדַל | בַּ֫יִן] the  light [אוֹר | /ה]from [בַּ֫יִן | /וְ] the  darkness. [חֹ֫שֶׁךְ | /ה]  ESV 1:5Orig VocabGod אֱלֹהִיםcalled קָרָא the  light [אוֹר | /ל]Day יוֹם, and the  darkness [חֹ֫שֶׁךְ | /וְ | /ל] he  called קָרָאNight לַ֫יְלָה. And there was  evening [עֶ֫רֶב | הָיָה] and there was  morning [בֹּ֫קֶר | הָיָה], the  first אֶחָדday. יוֹם  ESV 1:6Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let there be an  expanse [רָקִיעַ | הָיָה] in the  midst [תָּ֫וֶךְ | /ב] of the  waters [מַי | /ה], and let it  separate [בָּדַל | הָיָה] the  waters [מַי | בַּ֫יִן] from the  waters. [מַי | /ל]   ESV 1:7Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםmade עָשָׂה the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | אֵת | /ה] and  separated בָּדַל the  waters [מַי | בַּ֫יִן | /ה]that אֲשֶׁר were  under [תַּחַת | /מ] the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | /ל] from the  waters [מַי | /וְ | בַּ֫יִן | /ה]that אֲשֶׁר were  above [עַל | /מ] the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | /ל]. And it was  so. [כֵּן | הָיָה]  ESV 1:8Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםcalled קָרָא the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | /ל]Heaven. שָׁמַיִם And there was  evening [עֶ֫רֶב | הָיָה] and there was  morning [בֹּ֫קֶר | הָיָה], the  second שֵׁנִיday. יוֹם  ESV 1:9Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let the  waters [מַי | /ה]under [/מ | תַּחַת] the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] be  gathered together קָוָהinto אֶלone אֶחָדplace מָקוֹם, and let the  dry land [יַבָּשָׁה | /ה]appear. רָאָה  And it was  so. [כֵּן | הָיָה]  ESV 1:10Orig VocabGod אֱלֹהִיםcalled קָרָא the  dry land [יַבָּשָׁה | /ל]Earth, אֶ֫רֶץ and the  waters [מַי | /ה] that were  gathered together [מִקְוֶה | /וְ | /ל] he  called קָרָאSeas יָם. And  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw רָאָה that it was  good. [טוֹב | כִּי]  ESV 1:11Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה]sprout דָּשָׁאvegetation, דֶּ֫שֶׁאplants עֵ֫שֶׂבyielding זָרַעseed זֶ֫רַע, and  fruit פְּרִיtrees עֵץbearing עָשָׂהfruit פְּרִי in  which [אֲשֶׁר | הוּ] is their  seed זֶ֫רַע, each according to its  kind [מִין | /ל], on the  earth. [אֶ֫רֶץ | הוּ | /ב | וֹ | עַל | /ה]  And it was  so. [כֵּן | הָיָה]  ESV 1:12Orig VocabThe  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה]brought forth יָצָאvegetation, דֶּ֫שֶׁאplants עֵ֫שֶׂבyielding זָרַעseed זֶ֫רַע according to their own  kinds [מִין | /ל], and  trees [עֵץ | הוּ | /וְ]bearing עָשָׂהfruit פְּרִי in  which אֲשֶׁר is their  seed זֶ֫רַע, each according to its  kind [מִין | הוּ | /ב | וֹ | /ל]. And  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw [רָאָה | הוּ] that it was  good. [טוֹב | כִּי]  ESV 1:13Orig VocabAnd there was  evening [עֶ֫רֶב | הָיָה] and there was  morning [בֹּ֫קֶר | הָיָה], the  third שְׁלִישִׁיday. יוֹם  ESV 1:14Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let there be  lights [מָאוֹר | הָיָה] in the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | /ב] of the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] to  separate [בָּדַל | /ל] the  day [יוֹם | בַּ֫יִן | /ה] from the  night [לַ֫יְלָה | /וְ | בַּ֫יִן | /ה]. And let them be for  signs [אוֹת | הָיָה | /ל] and for  seasons, [מוֹעֵד | /וְ | /ל] and for  days [יוֹם | /וְ | /ל] and  years, [שָׁנָה | /וְ]  ESV 1:15Orig Vocaband let them be  lights [מָאוֹר | הָיָה | /ל] in the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | /ב] of the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] to  give light [אוֹר | /ל] upon the  earth. [אֶ֫רֶץ | עַל | /ה]  And it was  so. [כֵּן | הָיָה]  ESV 1:16Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםmade עָשָׂה the  two [שְׁנַ֫יִם | אֵת]great [גָּדוֹל | /ה]lights [מָאוֹר | /ה]—the  greater [גָּדוֹל | /ה]light [מָאוֹר | אֵת | /ה] to  rule [מֶמְשָׁלָה | /ל] the  day [יוֹם | /ה] and the  lesser [קָטֹן | /ה]light [מָאוֹר | /וְ | אֵת | /ה] to  rule [מֶמְשָׁלָה | /ל] the  night [לַ֫יְלָה | /ה]—and the  stars. [כּוֹכָב | /וְ | אֵת | /ה]  ESV 1:17Orig VocabAnd  God [אֱלֹהִים | אֵת | הֶם]set נָתַן them in the  expanse [רָקִיעַ | /ב] of the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] to  give light [אוֹר | /ל] on the  earth, [אֶ֫רֶץ | עַל | /ה]  ESV 1:18Orig Vocabto  rule [מָשַׁל | /וְ | /ל] over the  day [יוֹם | /ב] and over the  night [לַ֫יְלָה | /וְ | /ב], and to  separate [בָּדַל | /וְ | /ל] the  light [אוֹר | בַּ֫יִן | /ה] from the  darkness [חֹ֫שֶׁךְ | /וְ | בַּ֫יִן | /ה]. And  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw רָאָה that it was  good. [טוֹב | כִּי]  ESV 1:19Orig VocabAnd there was  evening [עֶ֫רֶב | הָיָה] and there was  morning [בֹּ֫קֶר | הָיָה], the  fourth רְבִיעִיday. יוֹם  ESV 1:20Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let the  waters [מַי | /ה]swarm שָׁרַץ with  swarms שֶׁ֫רֶץ of  living חַיcreatures נֶ֫פֶשׁ, and let  birds [עוֹף | /וְ]fly עוּףabove עַל the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה]across [פָּנֶה | עַל] the  expanse רָקִיעַ of the  heavens. [שָׁמַיִם | /ה]   ESV 1:21Orig VocabSo  God אֱלֹהִיםcreated בָּרָא the  great [גָּדוֹל | /ה]sea creatures [תַּנִּין | אֵת | /ה] and  every [כֹּל | /וְ | אֵת]living [חַי | /ה]creature נֶ֫פֶשׁ that  moves [רָמַשׂ | /ה], with which the  waters [מַי | /ה]swarm [שָׁרַץ | אֲשֶׁר], according to their  kinds [מִין | /ל], and  every [כֹּל | הֶם | /וְ | אֵת]winged כָּנָףbird עוֹף according to its  kind [מִין | /ל]. And  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw [רָאָה | הוּ] that it was  good. [טוֹב | כִּי]  ESV 1:22Orig VocabAnd  God [אֱלֹהִים | אֵת | הֶם]blessed בָּרַךְ them,  saying, [אָמַר | /ל] Be  fruitful פָּרָה and  multiply רָבָה and  fill מָלֵא the  waters [מַי | אֵת | /ה] in the  seas [יָם | /ב], and let  birds [עוֹף | /וְ | /ה]multiply רָבָה on the  earth. [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ב]   ESV 1:23Orig VocabAnd there was  evening [עֶ֫רֶב | הָיָה] and there was  morning [בֹּ֫קֶר | הָיָה], the  fifth חֲמִישִׁיday. יוֹם  ESV 1:24Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה]bring forth יָצָאliving חַיcreatures נֶ֫פֶשׁ according to their  kinds— [מִין | /ל]livestock [בְּהֵמָה | הּ] and  creeping things [רֶ֫מֶשׂ | /וְ] and  beasts [חַיָּה | /וְ] of the  earth אֶ֫רֶץ according to their  kinds. [מִין | /ל]  And it was  so. [כֵּן | הּ | הָיָה]  ESV 1:25Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםmade עָשָׂה the  beasts [חַיָּה | אֵת] of the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה] according to their  kinds [מִין | /ל] and the  livestock [בְּהֵמָה | הּ | /וְ | אֵת | /ה] according to their  kinds [מִין | /ל], and  everything [כֹּל | הּ | /וְ | אֵת] that  creeps רֶ֫מֶשׂ on the  ground [אֲדָמָה | /ה] according to its  kind [מִין | /ל]. And  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw [רָאָה | הוּ] that it was  good. [טוֹב | כִּי]  ESV 1:26Orig VocabThen  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Let us  make עָשָׂהman אָדָם in our  image, [צֶ֫לֶם | /ב]after our  likeness [דְּמוּת | נוּ | /כ]. And  let them have  dominion [רָדָה | נוּ] over the  fish [דָּגָה | /ב] of the  sea [יָם | /ה] and over the  birds [עוֹף | /וְ | /ב] of the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] and over the  livestock [בְּהֵמָה | /וְ | /ב] and over  all [כֹּל | /וְ | /ב] the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה] and over  every [כֹּל | /וְ | /ב]creeping thing [רֶ֫מֶשׂ | /ה] that  creeps [רָמַשׂ | /ה] on the  earth. [אֶ֫רֶץ | עַל | /ה]   ESV 1:27Orig VocabSo  God אֱלֹהִיםcreated בָּרָאman [אָדָם | אֵת | /ה] in his own  image, [צֶ֫לֶם | /ב]in the  image [צֶ֫לֶם | הוּ | /ב] of  God אֱלֹהִים he  created בָּרָא him; male [זָכָר | אֵת | וֹ] and  female [נְקֵבָה | /וְ] he  created בָּרָא them.   ESV 1:28Orig VocabAnd  God [אֱלֹהִים | אֵת | הֶם]blessed בָּרַךְ them. And  God [אֱלֹהִים | /ל | הֶם]said אָמַר to them,   Be  fruitful פָּרָה and  multiply רָבָה and  fill מָלֵא the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | אֵת | /ה] and  subdue כָּבַשׁ it, and have  dominion [רָדָה | הָ] over the  fish [דָּגָה | /ב] of the  sea [יָם | /ה] and over the  birds [עוֹף | /וְ | /ב] of the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] and over  every [כֹּל | /וְ | /ב]living חַי thing that  moves [רָמַשׂ | /ה] on the  earth. [אֶ֫רֶץ | עַל | /ה]   ESV 1:29Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaid, אָמַר Behold הִנֵּה, I have  given נָתַןyou every [כֹּל | /ל | כֶם | אֵת]plant עֵ֫שֶׂבyielding זָרַעseed זֶ֫רַע that is on the  face [פָּנֶה | עַל] of  all [כֹּל | /וְ | אֵת] the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה], and  every כֹּלtree [עֵץ | /ה] with  seed [זֶ֫רַע | עֵץ | זָרַע]in its אֲשֶׁרfruit. [פְּרִי | אֲשֶׁר | /ב | וֹ]You shall  have [הָיָה | /ל | כֶם] them for  food. [אׇכְלָה | /ל]  ESV 1:30Orig VocabAnd  to  every [כֹּל | /וְ | /ל]beast חַיָּה of the  earth [אֶ֫רֶץ | /ה] and to every  bird עוֹף of the  heavens [שָׁמַיִם | /ה] and to  everything [כֹּל | /וְ | /ל] that  creeps רָמַשׂ on the  earth, [אֶ֫רֶץ | עַל | /ה]everything [כֹּל | /וְ | /ל] that has the  breath [נֶ֫פֶשׁ | אֲשֶׁר | /ב | וֹ] of  life חַי, I have given every  green [יֶ֫רֶק | אֵת | כֹּל]plant עֵ֫שֶׂב for  food. [אׇכְלָה | /ל]  And it was  so. [כֵּן | הָיָה]  ESV 1:31Orig VocabAnd  God אֱלֹהִיםsaw רָאָהeverything [כֹּל | אֵת]that אֲשֶׁר he had  made עָשָׂה, and  behold [הִנֵּה | /וְ], it was  very מְאֹדgood טוֹב. And there was  evening [עֶ֫רֶב | הָיָה] and there was  morning [בֹּ֫קֶר | הָיָה], the  sixth [שִׁשִּׁי | /ה]day. יוֹם
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