John 20:2-18

To Simon Peter; to his house in the city.

And came to the sepulchre; after the party mentioned by Luke had gone away.

Turned herself back; to go home.

As has already been remarked, several hypotheses have been framed, by ingenious scholars, to combine the various incidents related by the different evangelists, as having occurred in the vicinity of the sepulchre on the morning of the resurrection, into one harmonious narrative. These hypotheses are all framed on the supposition that the scene was one of great excitement; that many persons must have been going and returning in different groups and parties,—some, perhaps visiting the sepulchre several times,—and that, consequently, a considerable number and variety of incidents would occur there; and that each of the evangelists, instead of describing fully what took place, has only related such incidents as were particularly reported to him. On this view of the subject, it has not been found difficult to frame hypotheses by which the various incidents related are combined into one connected narrative, the seeming omissions and connecting links being supplied by conjecture. These hypotheses are, however, of little value, except to show that the accounts can be reconciled, and so are not inconsistent. Farther than this, there can be no valuable end attained by framing hypotheses, which rest, of course, wholly on conjecture.

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