Mark 3:28-30

Alluding to their sin in ascribing his divine power to the agency of evil spirits.

The sin of the Pharisees consisted in this,—that when they knew that it was the divine power which they saw imbodied in the person of Jesus, they ascribed the effects to the agency of evil spirits; it was thus a direct and deliberate opposition to the cause of God, as such. Most of the sins and blasphemies of mankind arise from the violence of human passions, uncontrolled by the authority of God, but without any positive hostility directed expressly and intentionally towards him. But when the human soul assumes an attitude of known and wilful opposition to the cause of God, from malignant feeling directed against this cause and its Author, it goes to the extreme limit of human guilt, and incurs the terrible denunciation which Jesus here pronounced against such sins.

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