Revelation of John 16:10-21

And repented not of their deeds. Experiencing the bitter fruits and consequences of sin has little tendency to bring men to repentance and salvation in this life; and we have no reason to expect any different result in the life to come. Ruin brought by transgression induces, not sorrow and repentance, but a certain insane resentment and despair.

The words of this verse seem to be intended as those of Christ; but their connection with the context is not obvious.

Armageddon. The meaning of this name is not understood, although various conjectural explanations of it have been attempted.

Divided into three parts; that is, perhaps, broken up by the earthquake, and destroyed.

That the outpouring of the seven vials is intended to represent a series of judgments and calamities brought upon the enemies of God, is very plain; but in applying the several symbols to specific events in history which have since occurred, commentators have been extremely divided in opinion.

From the commencement of this chapter to the end of the book there extends a connected train of prophetical annunciation, the general import of which seems clear. Under the figure of a woman seated, upon a beast, though the symbol is afterwards changed to that of a city designated by the name Babylon, some great foe to the cause of Christ and of piety is represented, at first in a state of great activity and power, and afterwards overwhelmed with a very sudden and complete destruction. The terrible severity of this overthrow is enforced by a variety of images and representations in ch. 18, which are followed by an account of rejoicings among the people of God at the great deliverance.

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