1 Corinthians 10:28-30

Verse 28. But if any man. If any fellow guest; any scrupulous fellow Christian who may be present. That the word "any" (τις) refers to a fellow guest seems evident; for it is not probable that the host would point out any part of the food on his own table, of the lawfulness of eating which he would suppose there was any doubt. Yet there might be present some scrupulous fellow Christian who would have strong doubts of the propriety of partaking of the food, and who would indicate it to the other guests.

For his sake that shewed it. Do not offend him; do not lead him into sin; do not pain and wound his feelings.

And for conscience sake". Eat not, out of respect to the conscientious scruples of him that told thee that it had been offered to idols. The word conscience refers to the conscience of the informer, (1Cor 10:29;) still he should make it a matter of conscience not to wound his weak brethren, or lead them into sin.

For the earth is the Lord's, etc. See 1Cor 10:26. These words are wanting in many MSS., (see Mill's Greek Testament,) and in the Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, and Arabic versions; and are omitted by Griesbach. Grotius says that they should be omitted. There might easily have been a mistake in transcribing them from 1Cor 10:26. The authority of the Mss., however, is in favour of retaining them; and they are quoted by the Greek fathers and commentators. If they are to be retained, they are to be interpreted, probably, in this sense: "There is no necessity that you should partake of this food. All things belong to God; and he has made ample provision for your wants without subjecting you to the necessity of eating this. Since this is the case, it is best to regard the scruples of those who have doubts of the propriety of eating this food, and to abstain."

(d) "not" 1Cor 8:10,12 (e) "the earth" 1Cor 10:26
Verse 29. Conscience, I say, not thine own. I know that you may have no scruples on the subject. I do not mean, that with you this need be a matter of conscience. I do not put it on that ground, as if an idol were anything, or as if it were in itself wrong, or as if the quality of the meat so offered had been changed; but I put it on the ground of not wounding the feelings of those who are scrupulous, or of leading them into sin.

For why is my liberty, etc. There is much difficulty in this clause; for as it now stands, it seems to be entirely contradictory to what the apostle had been saying: He had been urging them to have respect to other men's consciences, and in some sense to give up their liberty to their opinions and feelings. Macknight and some others understand it as an objection: "Perhaps you will say, But why is my liberty to be ruled by another man's conscience?" Doddridge supposes that this and 1Cor 10:30 come in as a kind of parenthesis, to prevent their extending his former caution beyond what he designed. "I speak only of acts obvious to human observation; for as to what immediately lies between God and my own soul, why is my liberty to be judged, arraigned, condemned at the bar of another man's conscience?" But it is probable that this is not an objection. The sense may be thus expressed: "I am free; I have liberty to partake of that food, if I please; there is no law against it, and it is not morally wrong: but if I do, when it is pointed out to me as having been sacrificed to idols, my liberty--the right which I exercise--will be misconstrued, misjudged, condemned (for so the word κρινεται seems to be used here) by others. The weak and scrupulous believer will censure, judge, condemn me as regardless of what is proper, and as disposed to fall in with the customs of idolaters; and will suppose that I cannot have a good conscience. Under these circumstances, why should I act so as to expose myself to this censure and condemnation? It is better for me to abstain, and not to use this liberty in the case, but to deny myself for the sake of others."
Verse 30. For if I by grace be a partaker. Or rather, "If I partake by grace--if, by the grace and mercy of God, I have a right to partake of this--yet why should I so conduct as to expose myself to the reproaches and evil surmises of others? Why should I lay myself open to be blamed on the subject of eating, when there are so many bounties of Providence for which I may be thankful, and which I may partake of without doing injury, or exposing myself in any manner to be blamed?"

Why am I evil spoken of. Why should I pursue such a course as to expose myself to blame or censure?

For that for which I give thanks. For my food. The phrase, "for which I give thanks," seems to be a periphrasis for food, or for that of which he partook to nourish life. It is implied that he always gave thanks for his food; and that this was with him such a universal custom, that the phrase, "for which I give thanks," might be used as convenient and appropriate phraseology to denote his ordinary food. The idea in the verse, then, is this: "By the favour of God, I have a right to partake of this food. But if I did, I should be evil spoken of, mid do injury, And it is unnecessary. God has made ample provision elsewhere for my support, for which I may be thank. I will not therefore expose myself to calumny and reproach, or be the occasion of.injury to others by partaking of the food offered in sacrifice to idols."

(1) "grace" "thanksgiving" (a) "give thanks" Rom 14:6
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