1 Corinthians 14:5

Verse 5. I would that ye all spake with tongues. "It is an important endowment, and is not, in its place, to be undervalued. It may be of great service in the cause of truth, and if properly regulated, and not abused, I would rejoice if these extraordinary endowments were conferred on all. I have no envy against any who possess it; no opposition to the endowment; but I wish that it should not be overvalued; and would wish to exalt into proper estimation the more useful but humble gift of speaking for the edification of the church."

Greater is he that prophesieth. This gift is of more value, and he really occupies a more elevated rank in the church. He is more useful. The idea here is, that talents are not to be estimated by their brilliancy, but by their usefulness. The power of speaking in an unknown tongue was certainly a more striking endowment than that of speaking so as simply to be useful; and yet the apostle tells us that the latter is the more valuable. So it is always. A man who is useful, however humble and unknown he may be, really occupies a more elevated and venerable rank than the man of most splendid talents and dazzling eloquence, who accomplishes nothing in saving: the souls of men.

Except he interpret. However important and valuable the truth might be which he uttered, it would he useless to the church, unless he should explain it in language which they could understand. In that case, fire apostle does not deny that the power of speaking foreign languages was a higher endowment and more valuable than the gift of prophecy. That the man who spoke foreign languages had: the power of interpreting, is evident from this verse. From 1Cor 14:27, it appears that the office of interpreting was sometimes performed by others.

(+) "tongues" "Different languages" (a) "edifying" 1Cor 14:26

1 Corinthians 14:22

Verse 22. Wherefore. Thus, (ωστε) or wherefore. The apostle does not mean to say that what he was about to state was a direct conclusion from the passage of Scripture which he had quoted, but that it followed from all that he had said, and from the whole view of the subject. "The true statement or doctrine is, that tongues are for a sign," etc.

Tongues. The power of speaking foreign languages.

Are for a sign. An indication, an evidence, or a proof that God has imparted this power, and that he attends the preaching of the gospel with his approbation. It is a sign, or a miracle, which, like all other miracles, may be designed to convince the unbelieving world that the religion is from God.

Not to them that believe. Not to Christians. They are already convinced of the truth of religion, and they would not be benefited by that which was spoken in a language which they could not understand.

But to them that believe not. It is a miracle designed to convince them of the truth of the Christian religion. God alone could confer the power of thus speaking; and as it was conferred expressly to aid in the propagation of the gospel, it proved that it was from God. Acts 2:1-15.

But prophesying. Speaking in a calm, connected, didactic manner, in language intelligible to all under the influence of inspiration. 1Cor 14:1.

For them that believe not. Is not particularly intended for them; but is intended mainly for the edifying of the church. It is not so striking, so replete with proofs of the Divine presence and power, as the gift of tongues. Though it may be really under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and may be really by inspiration, yet it is not so evidently such as is the power of speaking foreign languages. It was, therefore, better adapted to edify the church than to convince gainsayers. At the same time the truths conveyed by it, and the consolations administered by it, might be as clear evidence to the church of the attending power, and presence, and goodness of God, as the power of speaking foreign languages might be to infidels.

(c) "for a sign" Mk 16:17, Acts 2:16 (d) "them that believe" 1Timm 1:9

1 Corinthians 14:39

Verse 39. Covet to prophesy. 1Cor 14:1. This is the summing up of all that he had said. It was desirable that a man should wish to be able to speak, under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, in such a manner as to edify the church.

And forbid not, etc. Do not suppose that the power of speaking foreign languages is useless, or is to be despised, or that it is to be prohibited. In its own place it is a valuable endowment; and on proper occasions the talent should be exercised. See in 1Cor 14:22.

(*) "tongues" "in different languages"
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